I bought this at last years nationals in Columbus, Ohio. My son asked me to build the "whole thing" that night. Well, he's waited a whole year so I thought I would get started.
Sorry it's been awhile since an update. Just after so much masking I kinda got burned out. I took these a few weeks ago and just now getting around to posting. I was really burned out.
Some of the helmet masking. More where that came from.
Zoomed in so you can see the tedious torture this was.
Here's some of the painted pieces. after looking at the artwork on the box and reference pics online I thought gold that the kit called for just didn't look right. I used AK Xtreme Metal AK 475 Brass. I'm pleased with the result.
Helmet with the masking off.
the gauntlet painted and unmasked.
even the tiniest detail got masked. ugh.
just had a few little touch UPS here and there. these were taken before the touch-ups. Hope you all like it so far